Special Events
Caritas Christi In Urbe Times Tables Rock Stars
During the second part of the Autumn Term, the Caritas Christi In Urbe schools have been competing virtually in a Times Tables Rock Stars tournament. On 20th December, Miss Walk announced that St. Teresa’s Catholic Primary School was the winner of this event. Well done to all of the Junior children who participated, particularly to the highest scoring children from each class; Year 6 – Lewis, Year 5 – Dominik, Year 4 – Tomek (the highest scoring individual in the whole tournament with over 66,000 points) and Year 3 – Harveer. These children were each presented with a prize for the endeavours.
Christmas Dinner
The children had a Christmas dinner on 17th December. Later that afternoon, the school hosted a number of parishioners who had a Christmas dinner with us. In addition, most of the Reception children had a grandparent or grandparents join them for Christmas dinner. After our guests had eaten, the Junior children performed a selection of songs from our Junior Carol Service and then the raffle was drawn. Thank you to Mr Daud and her team, including the recently retired Mrs Norris who returned specially to help out, for providing the Christmas dinners. Thank you also to Elijah, Jaya, Sophia and Inayah; our house captains who waited upon our visitors.
Christmas Fair
Thank you to all who came to the School and Parish Christmas Fair on 13th December, and to the parents/carers, staff and parishioners who sold raffle tickets. You have helped us to raise £2,433.07 (£1,410.82 for the school and £1,022.25 for the parish). Thank you to the staff, their family members and parents/carers who managed the stalls. A special thankyou to Mrs Connell for organising this event for us. Thank you to companies who provided prizes for this event; Tesco, Connex Education Partnership, Wibbly Wobbly World of Play and M&S.
The Percussion Ensemble
Thank you to the parents and families of our children in the school’s Percussion Ensemble for coming into school on 10th December to see the group perform three pieces, under the guidance of Mr Palmer, our peripatetic percussion teacher. Well done to Amal, Tomek, Logan S, Antoni, Dominik, Jayden S, Aaron, Roshan, Joseph, Matthew, Elijah, Jaimar and Thomas, who are the school’s percussionists.
Children in Need
On 15th November we had a ‘Spotacular’ non-uniform day for Children In Need. Children could wear their own clothes, ideally with a Pudsey or spotty theme, for a £1 donation. Thank you to all who participated and donated their £1s. So far, £178 has been raised for this cause.
World Diabetes Day
14th November is World Diabetes Day. In recognition of this awareness day, the children were invited to wear their own clothes, with a blue theme, for a £1 donation to JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation). Thank you for your donations which have raised £186 for this charity. Type 1 diabetes can affect anyone without other medical or lifestyle factors, type 2 can be influenced by lifestyle, gender and ethnicity. Over 18 year olds can go to the following link which will give an indication of your likelihood of being affected by type 2 diabetes. https://riskscore.diabetes.org.uk/start?_gl=1*99uxj6*_ga*NDEwMjcxNzY1LjE2NjczODM3MjY.*_ga_J1HFNSGEX6*MTY2ODc2NTI2My4zLjAuMTY2ODc2NTI2My42MC4wLjA.
Rock Stars and Robots
It was lovely to see so many children and staff dressed as rock stars or Numbots (i.e. robots) on 8th November. This was done to promote Times Tables Rock Stars, which is available to all children in the Junior classes and Numbots which is a resource for the Infant children. All children should have login information to access this online resource from home. Please contact school if you do not have the logging on information.
Children in the Junior classes are competing against the other Caritas Christi In Urbe schools on Times Tables Rock Stars in the second Autumn half-term’s ‘Top of the Rocks’ competition. The competition closes on Friday 13th December and every time the children are on Times Tables Rock Stars helps our school in the rankings.
United Nations Day
On 24th October, in recognition of United Nations Day, the children wore their own clothes, which included colours reflecting their families’ origins to mark Black History Month. The school was awash with bright colours and some lovely national costumes. Thank you to all who went to the trouble to be part of this event.
Book Fair
Thank you to all within our school community who supported the Book Fair that was in school from 14th to 18th October. We earned commission of £675.90 which will be spent on new reading books for school.
Reception Reading Workshop
Thank you to the parents and carers of the Reception Class children who joined us for our Reception Class Reading Workshop in the school hall on the morning of 3rd October. I hope that those who attended enjoyed their time working with their children and had some useful ideas to take away to support their child’s reading. Thank you to Miss Gravell, Miss Walk and Mrs Jones for leading this workshop.
MacMillan Coffee Morning and Cake Sale
Thank you to all who donated cakes and biscuits and then donated money to buy them back again for our ‘green’ themed day for MacMillan Cancer Support on Friday 27th September. This event was very well attended by parents/carers and family members. We had enough surplus to have a cake sale after school on Monday 30th September managed by several of our house captains and vice captains, Jaya, Matthew, Sophia, Arjun, Inayah and Zeeshaan with Mrs Connell and Mrs Guest.
This brought the total raised for Macmillan Cancer support to £537. Thank you to all who contributed to these events. There were even enough cakes and biscuits for each child to have an extra treat on Tuesday for St. Teresa of Lisieux’s feastday!
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0121 554 9581