St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Catholic Life 2024 - 2025

Caritas Christi In Urbe Advent Liturgy

On 13th December, Year 5 were at the ‘Caritas Christi In Urbe’ (Love of Christ in the City) Advent Liturgy at St. Francis’ Catholic Church. Year 5 were joined by children from St. Francis’. St Patrick and St. Edmund’s and St. Vincent’s schools. Well done to Jayden and Shalom for reading on behalf of the school and to Logan and Kimora for representing Year 5 in preparing the manger during the Advent Liturgy. Thank you to Miss Gold and Miss Bennett for taking the children with Mr. Corkery to this event.

Nativity performances

On the afternoon of 12th December and the morning of 13th December, the Infant classes performed their Nativity. Well done to all of the children and a big thank you to the Infant staff for their wonderful efforts in bringing this production together. Thank you also to parents, carers and families who practised the songs and learnt the lines. The Infant Nativity is a highlight of the school year; it is something to treasure for the adults, seeing their little ones and an experience that the children will remember for the rest of their lives.

Sisters Minor of St. Francis in school

On 5th December, it was lovely to welcome back to school Sr Michela and Sr Miriam, who are members of the Sisters Minor of St. Francis order. The Sisters led the staff in prayer before the start of the school day and worked with the Reception class during the morning. The Sisters then invited children to join them in prayer during dinnertime and worked with Year 2 in the afternoon. Thank you to Sr Michela and Sr Miriam for their support of the Catholic Life of the school.

Mini-Retreat for our altar servers

On 3rd December, five children who are altar servers, were at St. Teresa’s Church for a retreat focusing on their service to the Church. The children served at the parish Mass then, whilst having refreshments, met with a number of the parishioners. The children then had a time of focus on their vocation as altar servers. Thank you to Mr Lysaght of St. John Wall Catholic Secondary School for leading this part of the retreat with children from our school, St. Clare’s Catholic Primary School and students from St. John Wall Catholic Secondary School. Thank you to Miss Shirley for taking the children to this event.  Well done to Matthew, Sophia, Dominik, Viktor and Senay for their participation in the retreat and for living out their vocation as altar servers.


A new Liturgical year starts on 1st December with the beginning of the season of Advent. The children have received a Walk with Me Jubilee Advent Calendar and either a small Junior or Infant My Day-by-Day Advent 2024 workbook for this season of the Church’s year. Thank you to Miss Shirley for organising these for the children.

Junior classes at parish mass

On 24th October, the Junior classes walked to the 10.00 a.m. parish Mass at St. Teresa’s Church. Thank you to the children from Year 3 who led the readings and bidding prayers; Chiamaka A, Harveer, Ariya, Lily, Avneet, Taran, Ibrahim, Dasis, Deborah and Sameera. Thank you to our altar servers; Matthew, Sofia, Dominik and Viktor and thank you to Mrs Paciorek for leading the music and hymns. Thank you to the staff who walked with the children to and from the church; Mrs Allport, Mrs Jones, Miss Bangardh, Miss Aziz, Miss Goupilliere, Mrs Patel, Miss Gold, Miss Kaza, Miss Walk, Mrs Keogh, Mrs Paciorek and Mr Corkery and to the parents/grandparents; Miss Bonner, Mrs Adegbesan, Mrs Hussain and Mrs Rai who helped to get the children to and from the church safely.

 October; the month of the Rosary

Year 4 and Year 6 walked to St. Teresa’s Church on 22nd October to join the parish in praying two decades of the Rosary and attending the parish mass at 10.00 a.m. Thank you to Miss Goupilliere, Mrs Patel, Miss Walk and Mrs Keogh who went with Mr. Corkery and the children to and from church. Thank you also to Mrs Rai and Miss Bonner for walking to and from church with us, helping the staff to keep the children safe. Thank you to Rehan, Sofia, Matthew, Kianna and Thomas for leading us in two decades of the Rosary.

October; the month of the Rosary

As October is the month of the Rosary, the children of Year 3 and Year 5 walked to St. Teresa’s Church on 15th October, to join the parish in praying two decades of the Rosary and attending the parish mass at 10.00 a.m. Thank you to Mrs Allport, Mrs Jones, Miss Bibi, Miss Gold, Miss Kaza who went with Mr Corkery and the children to and from church. Thank you also to Mrs Rai and Miss Bonner for walking to and from church with us, helping the staff to keep the children safe.

Harvest Mass

Thank you to Fr. Peter for leading our Harvest Mass on Thursday 10th October. Thank you to Jayden, Shalom, Logan, Shahnain, Diya M, Laura, Phoenix, Layla, Amelia, An, Roshan, Anthony and Mariam of Year 5 for leading readings and bidding prayers and the Offertory Procession. Thank you also to Herman for managing the audio-visual unit and thank you to our altar servers; Matthew, Sophia, Dominik and Viktor. The items that you generously donated are to be donated for those in need in this area.

St. Teresa’s Feastday Mass

Fr Peter invited all to the only parish mass on Sunday 29th September. As it was the closest Sunday to October 1st, we celebrated the feast day of St Therese of Lisieux, our parish patroness. Thank you to the children; Phoenix, Dominik, Chiamaka A, past pupils; Edward, Mia, Gabriel, Chikwere, Chiaku, Chizi, Mason and Chloe, and those staff who joined with the parishioners for this mass.

Education Sunday Mass

Thank you to Mayana, Hoger, Herman, Matthew, Zane, Kwesi, Phoenix, Laura, Dominik, Tomek, Senay, Viktor, Kimi, Troy, Aaliyah, Lainey, Chiamaka A, Quinn, Genevieve, David B, Khari, Kofi, Logan O, Anna, Sophia S, their families and the staff who joined the parishioners at Mass on 8th Spetember to mark Education Sunday.

It was also lovely to see Edward, Mia, Muganzi, Essey and Mason from last year’s Year 6 class. This mass at our parish church was an opportunity to reflect on the importance of education in our lives and to bring the school and parish communities together.

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0121 554 9581