St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Catholic Life 2022-2023

Lunch with Father Peter.

Father Peter comes into talk with the children regularly. In particular with Year 3 who are preparing for their First Holy Communion. He stays on to have lunch with the children.

May is the month of Mary

We processed Mary into Mass to in honour of May being the month of Mary. Thank you to our Y6 Faith Ambassadors Maya and Arinze for carrying the statue and rosary beads around school.

Faith Ambassadors monitoring the school environment

The Faith Ambassadors have been monitoring the school environment.  They have identified a number of items and presented the list to the school office for the order to be made.  We look forward to showing you the changes in 2023!!


The end of 2022 complete with carols.

Blessing of the Bambinelli

The children in each class made their own Bambinelli.  Father came into school and blessed the Bambinelli.  Children will take them home and place them in the crib or a special place.

Goodbye and Thankyou

Thank you to Mirs Carbery for all your work at St.Teresa's and we wish you all the best for your new adventures. 



Christmas Lunch for parishioners and grandparents 

Carol Service at St.Teresa's Church


Corridor Displays

Each class has produced an excellent display.   

November Remembrance Mass

During the month of November we remember all those people who have died.

Parishioners Coffee Morning 

After Mass parishioners were invited to stay for tea/coffee and cake.

All Saint's Day Mass 

Sisters Minor of St. Francis

On 20th and 21st October, the school hosted Sr. Miriam, Sr. Irene and Sr. Michela of the Sisters Minor of St. Francis. The sisters spoke about their vocation and missionary work throughout the world.  The children had an opportunity to ask questions.  On 21st October, the Sisters' worked with groups of children to make a Pocket Rosary.  The children took these Rosary Beads home to join in prayer with their family.

On the afternoon of 21st October the Sisters led a decade of the Rosary with reflection on the Annunciation and Visitation. Thank you to Maya and Kimran for reading, to Tannia and Chiamaka for acting out these scenes and to Edward for leading the rosary. Thank you to the Sisters for their time and openness and to Miss Shirley for organising this opportunity.

Harvest Festival

Thank you to Tannia, Eesa, Mia, Essey, Mason, Amanvir, Noor, Pavneet, Muganzi, Kimran and Osagie of Year 5 for leading readings and prayers in our Harvest Mass on 13th October. Thank you also to Ava and Long for helping to manage the audio-visual unit and thank you to our altar servers; Chikwere, Chizi and Edward. The items that you generously donated are to be collected by Birmingham Care Group Food Bank for those in need in this area.

St.Teresa Feast Day

We learnt a new hymn which we sang at Mass today.

Autumn Corridor Displays 

October; the month of the Rosary

As October is the month of the Rosary, there has been an opportunity to pray a decade of the Rosary at the start of October's Congratulations Assemblies. Thank you to Arinze, Maya, Inayah, Edward, Kimran, Thomas, Zane, Chiamaka, Sophia, Logan, Osamudiamen and Deborah, our Faith Ambassadors, for leading the Rosary.

Live Simply Award

The children have all been busy thinking if ideas for the Live Simply Cafod Award.

75th anniversary of St. Teresa’s Church

On Saturday 1st October, our parish celebrated the feastday of our patron saint; St. Teresa. The evening mass was followed by a gathering from the parish and school community, including present and past pupils, to mark the 75th anniversary of our parish church. several our children; present and past pupils, served at this mass, including Chikwere, Chizi, Muganzi and Edward and our other children who came with their families to this event. It was lovely to hear about the lives that some of our past pupils have built, with families and careers of their own.

Mass for Queen Elizabeth II

On 15th September, Year 1 to Year 6 celebrated mass for the repose of the soul of Queen Elizabeth II. Thank you to Fr. Peter for leading mass. Thank you to those staff members who played their part in leading the readings, bidding prayers and offertory procession. Thank you also to our new altar servers; Chikwere, Muganzi, Chizi and Edward, all of whom were wonderful and looked the part in the school’s new albs and chasubles which they wore to serve mass.

Altar Servers

The altar servers were very excited to wear new vestments in Mass.   

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Creation Altar 

The Faith Ambassadors created a Creation Altar in the main entrance.

 Compassionate and Loving

For the first half term of the Autumn Term the two Virtues that will be a focus for us and the other Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Birmingham are to be Compassionate and Loving. The challenge is to be:

Compassionate: We are compassionate when we feel sympathy and concern for other people who are in difficulty, whether they are near to us or far away.
Loving: We are loving when we show our sympathy and concern for other people by our actions and by our words.

A trip to Rome

One lucky child when on holiday to Rome.  His parents shared these photographs.  Click on the link below.





Butlers Road, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham, B20 2NY

0121 554 9581