St Teresa's Catholic Primary School


The Aims of Religious Education in St Teresa’s School


  • To lead the children to a living and active faith by helping them to become aware of God’s presence in their lives, to listen to Him and to respond to His invitation to enter into a personal relationship with Him through prayer.
  • To develop a well formed conscience allowing the individual to make sound moral judgments in the light of personal commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • In a changing world we want to help pupils to develop personal, spiritual and moral values, respect and tolerance for others and an understanding of interdependence between groups and nations.


Each year group uses the Curriculum Strategy ‘Learning and Growing as the People of God,’ together with supplementary materials.  

The four areas of study are:

*Revelation-God's self revelation

*Church- Communion in the life of Christ

*Celebration-Living the Christian mystery in worship and prayer

* Life in Christ




A Mass rota is established at the start of the academic year.  Masses take place on fortnightly rota basis in the school hall and parents and parishioners also attend. 




Sacramental Preparation


In Year 3 the children are prepared to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. The Diocesan ‘Learning and Growing as People of God’ scheme is followed.  Also the children are given ‘I Belong’ Reconciliation and Communion books which are used at school and home. Preparation for these sacraments involves meetings and masses throughout the year. These are attended by parents, teachers and the parish priest. During preparation for these sacraments, parents are seen as a vital part of the teaching involved and are asked to take part alongside their children.


Children are prepared for the Sacrament of Confirmation in Year 5 and Year 6, on a two yearly rota.   Parents and families are invited to attend a series of meetings.   With this the children in years 5 and 6 follow The Year 6 Diocesan ‘Learning and Growing as People of God’ Programme is followed with parents encouraged to work with their children.



All classes begin and end the day with a prayer and prayers are said before and after lunch. Each year group has a list of prayers to learn along with Mass responses. 

Each class has a prayer area to provide a focus for prayer and reflection which is linked to the liturgical season or special times in the school year.   


Prayer Bags

Each class has a prayer bag, and each week a different child is asked to take the prayer bag home.  The family gathers together at home, shares a story from the Bible and then says prayers.  The child is then asked to write a prayer which is then shared in the class.



Butlers Road, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham, B20 2NY

0121 554 9581