Spring 2014
Way of the Cross - April
We held a very poignant and prayerful reflection on Jesus' journey to Calvary. Click the image on the right for more details.
Gifted and Talented Days - Easter Art - April
This week children from Year 4 and 5 worked with other Catholic Schools in the area on Art, Drama and RE activities. Click the picture on the right to find out more
Year 6 Assembly - March
Year 6 led a powerful and poignant assembly. The class told us about the challenges faced by civil rights leaders and the people they sought equality for.
Family Fast Day - March
Family Fast Day; when money saved from eating less may be donated to those in need through CAFOD (Catholic Fund for Overseas Development).
As part of their R.E. work this week Year 6 have written letters to the Prime Minister, David Cameron, to share their concern that despite enough food being produced to feed all in the world that one in eight do not have enough to eat.
St Patrick's Day- March
To celberate St Patrick's Day and as part of our Irish Celebrations we came to school wearing green! Mrs Dignan even had some shamrock!
Good Shepherd Appeal - March
The children each received a Good Shepherd Appeal collecting box. This way of raising funds is always extremely successful. Perhaps the money spent on the treats that we have given up for Lent could go into these boxes—that goes for the adults as well as the children.
Ash Wednesday Mass - March
The Year 4 and Year 2 children led the Ash Wednesday Mass. .
Prayers in the Playground - During March and April
During Lent, each Friday at 3.10pm we have prayers in the playground. This is an opportunity for the whole school to reflect on the Stations of the Cross. It is lovely to be joined by some of our parents too.
Stations of the Cross Roadshow - April
St Teresa's joined with St John Wall School and St Claire's to bring us a Liturgy on the Stations of the Cross.
Reception Class Assembly - March
Reception who led their assembly about Mothers’ Day. We thank God for our mothers who love us so much whether they are near, far or with God in heaven.
Week of Prayer and Awareness of Dementia - March
From 12th to 19th March there is a week of Prayer and Awareness of Dementia. This condition affects over 800,000 people in this country and, of course, their families and loved ones also.
Rosary Group - During Lent
At dinner time each day during Lent, children are invited to come to Rosary Group to pray together a decade of the Rosary. This is led by year 6.
First Confession - March
This week we held a reconciliation service. We spent some time examining our consciences and saying sorry for the things we had done wrong. We all brought our sins to the altar and placed them in a large box. Father David would take them away and burn them as a sign that when we say sorry our sins are forgiven.
For some of the children in Year 3 it was a particularly special day as they made their First Confession. Congratulations to Liam, Vin, Trinity, Eryk, R’keil, Ashwin, Tomasz, Francine, Balvin, Pawel and Brajan.
Book Sale - March
Following the success of World Book Day, the School Council organised a Book Sale. All of the books were donated by the children and the money raised will go to purchase resource packs for schools in developing countries. The Book Sale raised £61.30 for CAFOD.
Year 2 Assembly - March
Thank you and well done to the children and staff of Year 2 for their informative and interesting assembly. The class shared their enjoyment of books and reading.
Year 3 Assembly - February
Year 3 led an informative and interesting assembly . They told us about ‘Working Together’, using their research on Emperor Penguins to give examples.
First Communicants Mass - January
The children in Year 3 preparing to receive their First Holy Communion and First Confession later this year came to the mass at church last Sunday morning. Fr. David brought the children to the altar during the consecration. The children and their parents were invited to the altar at the end of mass where Fr. David presented the children with a candle, a book to help the children prepare for the sacraments and a small medal. Please keep these children and their parents in your prayers.
First Mass of the School Year - January
Years 3 and 2 leadthe first school mass of 2014
Year 4 Assembly - March
Year 4 led an informative and interesting assembly this morning. The class told of the importance of books, especially the Bible.
Confirmandi - February
Seventeen children from Years 5 and 6 went to St. John Wall Catholic Secondary School as part of their preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation. The morning was led by Mrs Ellis, the lay chaplain of the school. Please keep these children in your prayers.
January- Ten Ten Theatre Visit
Ten Ten Theatre has an underlying Christian ethos rooted in the Catholic tradition. The name 'Ten Ten' is derived from the scripture passage John 10:10, "I have come that you may have life, life to the full." Through all of its work, Ten Ten aims to enable participants to "live life to the full."
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