Autumn 2015
Our Values for this half term are "Attentive" and "Discerning" How will you show these values in your lives?
Christmas Masses at St. Teresa’s Church
The times of the masses at Christmas are:
Christmas Eve at 4.00 p.m.: Christmas Mass for children.
7.30 p.m. on Christmas Eve: Singing of Christmas Carols and Readings followed at 8.00 p.m. by Mass.
Christmas Day - 10.00 a.m. Mass
All are welcome to these services.
11th December - Choir at St Chads
The choir joined a number of Catholic schools from our area for our annual Carol Service at St Chad's Cathedral. Callum read beautifully and the choir sang of the gifts we can give at Christmas.
27th November - Prayer Service for those who have died
During November we have been praying especially for those of our family and friends who have died. Today we held a special service to remeber these people. Many of us brought photographs of our loved ones and these were displayed in the gazebo where each class spent a prayerful session today.
This weekend marks the feast of Christ the King; the final Sunday in the Church’s year. We will soon be preparing for the start of the Year of Mercy which begins in December.
18th November Visiting speaker from CAFOD
Mrs Mitchell, a visiting speaker from CAFOD was in school. She told the children about the work that CAFOD do in Kenya.
10th November
The Ten Ten Theatre Company were in school . Each class saw a performance by this Catholic company sharing messages about how we live our lives.
22nd October
Harvest Mass
Well done to Year 5 who led the readings at the Harvest Mass. Thank you to everyone who contributed goods to be distributed to those in need.
The Harvest Mass was an ideal opportunity to reflect on the two ‘Virtues’ that the school have been considering this half term. Firstly, to be grateful for all that we have, and secondly to be generous in responding to the needs of others.
We were also able to wish Fr. David a happy birthday.
25th September
This morning there was a Coffee Morning for MacMillan Cancer Support. Thank you to all who donated cakes and biscuits, or came for a cuppa and a cake. Thank you to Mrs Robinson and Mrs Dignan for managing the Coffee Morning. There was also a cake sale after school .
The final total raised for this worth-while cause is xxxxx.
17th December Christmas Mass at school
Year 6 for led the final Mass of 2015 in which Clevette, Beneice, Milen, Shaina, Shiloh and Naomi signed the Hail Mary. Nina Oliwia M, Oliwia P and Diya also sang their composition based on ‘O Come, O Come Emmanuel’ during communion.
15th December Christmas Dinner
The children had their Christmas dinners.. After the dinner the school hosted a group of elderly parishioners who had a Christmas dinner. After our guests had eaten the choir performed a selection of Christmas songs. Leia, Sienna, Neha and Oliwia M waited upon our visitors and ran the raffle.
St Chad's Cathedral - Door of Mercy
The choir were lucky enough to see the Door of Mercy before its unveiling. Will you visit one of the special doors in our diocese during the Year of Mercy?
11th November School Mass Well done to Year 4 who led the readings at the school mass on the theme of remembrance.
Following the Mass Fr. David met with the First Holy Communion children, who are to prepare for this sacrament in June.
6th October
Advent Service Preparation
The Choir were at St. John Wall Catholic Secondary School preparing for an Advent Liturgy on 11th December at St. Chad’s Cathedral. This involves the ten Catholic Primary schools and St John Wall Catholic Secondary School which make up the ‘Caritas Christi In Urbe’ group of schools.
1st October
The children from Years 2 to 6 walked to Mass at St. Teresa’s Church. This Mass was part of the Novena, which is nine days of prayers, masses and preparation for the feast day of our parish patron saint; St Teresa of the Child Jesus. At the end of Mass, the children were blessed by Father David with a relic of St Teresa.
Also on 1st October the children came into school in their own clothes in recognition of our patron saint; St. Teresa, who feast day was on that day.
15th December Junior Nativity
The children of the Junior classes and their families were at church for a retelling of the Nativity story. The children were wonderful as narrators, actors, band members and a choir.
5th December School and Parish Christmas Fayre
Thank you to everyone who came to the Christmas Fair and helped to raise £1752.56 Thank you the parishioners, staff and parents who organised the event and ran the stalls. Half of this money has been forwarded to Fr. David for the church. The other half is going towards School Fund.
8th December -Year of Mercy Assembly
Mr Corkery led an assembly to explain all about the Year of Mercy.The Year of Mercy started on 8th December. Throughout this year we will consider how we can help each other and grow spiritually.
11th November Armistice Day Many children bought and wore poppies this week. At 11.00 a.m. we marked Armistice Day with a period of silence.
3rd November
Fr. David asked if the goods contributed for the Harvest Collection at the end of last half term could be given to St Chad’s Sanctuary which is sited next to St. Chad’s Cathedral in the city centre. Mr Corkery took the items to the Sanctuary and was met by Karen who was delighted to receive your generous gifts and asked for her thanks and the thanks of those who will be receiving these items to be forwarded to the children of St. Teresa’s School.
Throughout October, Year 6 lead a lunchtime decade of the Rosary. Try to make time to come each day and say your prayers to Mary.
Thursday 8th October, Year 6 led the first school mass of this academic year. The theme was New Beginnings.
Our Values for the first half term were "Grateful" and "Generous"
Look at our wonderful corridor displays showing these values.
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0121 554 9581