Autumn 2014
Thank you to all who donated goods for our Harvest collection. The items donated have been collected by the parish’s SVP (St. Vincent De Paul Society) for distribution to those in need
Throughout October
As October is the month of the Rosary there was an opportunity to pray a decade of the Rosary at the end of each lunchtime. All of the children were invited to come for prayer and has been very well attended.
26th September
This morning there was a Coffee Morning for MacMillan Cancer Support. Thank you to all who donated cakes and biscuits, or came for a cuppa and a cake. Thank you to Mrs Robinson and Mrs Dignan for managing the Coffee Morning and to Roshan, Ree’al, Simon and Arjun for helping. There was also a cake sale after school .
The final total raised for this worth-while cause is £290.83.
16th October
During our Harvest Festival the children prepared pieces to share with the rest of the school. Thank you to the parents and family members who came to our Harvest Festival. .
1st October
The children from Years 2 to 6 walked to Mass at St. Teresa’s Church. This Mass was part of the Novena, which is nine days of prayers, masses and preparation for the feast day of our parish patron saint; St Teresa of the Child Jesus.
Also on 1st October the children came into school in their own clothes in recognition of our patron saint; St. Teresa, who feast day was on that day. We requested a £1 contribution for this non-uniform day, the money raised was passed to the St. Teresa’s SVP (St. Vincent De Paul Society) who provide practical help for the needy of the community.
Butlers Road, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham, B20 2NY
0121 554 9581