Autumn 2013
Christmas Fare- December
We held our Christmas Fair which gathers us together as a community to spend time and money together. The Fair raised £2,053.35 in funds for the parish and for the school.
December - Handsworth Catholic Schools’ Prayer
Each child received a prayer card with the Handsworth Catholic Schools’ Prayer on. The prayer was developed by children within local schools. The logo on the back was developed by St. Teresa’s children earlier this year.
December- Father Simon's induction Mass
The Induction Mass for Fr. Simon at Our Lady of the Angels Church in Nuneaton was held yesterday evening. Fr. Simon was suffering from laryngitis and was barely able to speak. At the end of the mass he held up large pieces of card with messages of thanks and love. He sends his love to all at St Teresa’s School and parish and asks that we continue to keep him in our prayers. It is apparent that he has already been taken into the hearts of the community in Nuneaton that he now serves.
November - Fundraising - Typhoon Haiyan
Fundraising events including a non-uniform day, a cake sale and a raffle raised money for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan. The raffle prizes; boxes of biscuits and chocolates were won by Ethan, Thea, Bethany and Leiyah. Thank you to Mrs Dignan for organising this raffle. Thank you also to the parents who made generous donations. A total of £502 has been raised for this cause.
October - The Feast of St Teresa
Today we came to school in our own clothes as part of our celebration of the feast of St Teresa. Mr Corkery led our assembly and told us about our very special school saint. Thankyou to Harpreet S and Ella-Mai (Y6) who have researched and written some information about St Teresa for us.
St. Teresa was born in France on the 2nd January 1873. Her religious order was Carmelite. St Teresa wanted to be a nun of early age so she asked the Priest which then he said he’ll ask the Bishop to think about it.St. Teresa died at the age of 24, becoming the youngest Doctor of the Church.
Thursday 26th September - Year 5 Mass
The children of Years 2 to 6 walked to Mass at St Teresa's church. This was our first mass with our new parish priest, Father David.
The mass was lead by children of Year 5. In our mass, we remembered our School's patron saint, Saint Teresa. This mass was part of the Novena, nine days of prayers, masses and preparation for her feast day on the 1st October. We also talked about Saints Cosmas and Damien, as it was their feast day. These Saints were known for their generosity in healing the bodies and souls of those they tended to. Father asked us to ask these Saints to pray for us, and he also blessed us with one of Saint Teresa's relics.
Thank you to Year 5, Father David and the band for a wonderful mass.
Saints Cosmas and Damian.
Thursday 5th September - Goodbye Father Simon!
In our Mass today, we celebrated the beginning of a new school year. During the Mass, we prayed for each other and for the whole school community. We asked for God’s help with our studies, our friendships and with everything which is part of school. We also said thank you to God for all the people who make it so special. Today we also said goodbye to Father Simon as he moves to his new parish. We offer him our prayers and our love.
Christmas Dinner - December
The school hosted a number of elderly parishioners who had their Christmas dinner. After they had eaten, the choir performed a sele-tion of Christmas songs. The Year 6 house captains waited upon our visitors and ran the raffle.
December - Infant Nativity and Junior Carol Service
Click here for photographs of these wonderfully moving retellings of the Christmas Story.
December - Christmas Liturgy at St. Chad’s Cathedral
The School Choir were at the Handsworth Catholic Schools’ Christmas Liturgy at St. Chad’s Cathedral. The St. Teresa’s Choir were joined by children from Sacred Heart, St. Francis’, St. Clare’s, St. Patrick’s, St. Edmund’s, St. Augustine’s, The Oratory, St. Vincent’s, St. Joseph’s and St. Chad’s Primary Schools and St. John Wall Secondary School. The children performed excellently and contributed to this special occasion.
November - The Month of the Dead
Thank you to those children, particularly those from the Choir, the parents and staff who took time after school on Monday to meet in the gazebo for a short time of reflection and prayer in memory of loved ones who have died.
October - Harvest Collection
Thank you for the donations of packets and tins of foods. Those items will be forwarded to the parish’s St. Vincent De Paul Society (SVP) for distribution to those in need.
September - Macmillan Coffee Morning and Own Clothes Day for the Society of St Vincent de Paul
Today, September 27 we took part in the World's Biggest Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan. We hosted a coffee morning in the school hall and had a cake sale. The money we raised will be used by the Macmillan charity to help people affected by cancer.
Today the Church celebrated the feast of a Saint who is one of the greatest examples of Christian charity - St. Vincent de Paul. In recognition of this we held an own clothes day and the money raised went to St Teresa's SVP group who do lots of work in the community including the Soup Run (for more information on the Soup run see Wed 4th Sept)
Wednesday 11th September - Hello Father David!
Today Father David paid us a visit. He came round all of our classrooms and we welcomed him to our school. We know we will be getting to know him very soon, and he us. Until then, if you see him around - introduce yourself and remember to keep him in all your prayers.
Wednesday 4th September - Soup Run!
Mrs Higgins, Mrs Dignan and Miss Turner were part of the team from St Teresa's Church, who took soup, tea and sandwiches into Birmingham City Centre. The "Soup Run" is a practical and enjoyable contribution to the largely invisible homeless community in the city. This is where your harvest goods from last year are used each month. We will be collecting again this year.
Butlers Road, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham, B20 2NY
0121 554 9581