St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Year 6 2023 -2024


Homework is due in by Wednesday each week.

Children will receive the following tasks: Maths, English and Spelling.

Additional tasks linked to our learning in subjects such as RE, Science and Topic will also be given.

There is an expectation that children will play on Times Table Rockstars for 5 minutes twice a week and also read a book/magazine for pleasure for 10 minutes each day so that they become fluent in their number facts and reading.

Year 6: it is your responsibility to make sure homework is completed and submitted on time.  Miss W :-)



Year 6 enjoyed dissecting flowers as part of their Science topic. They tried their best to identify all the different parts. 

Please find below the Curriculum Overview for Summer term.


Space Projects

Well done to Year 6 for their Earth and Space homework projects! The children were given a month to produce a product of their choice linked to our Science unit all about Space. Many created models, fact files and much more! We all enjoyed sharing them  and Mrs Allport (our Science Champion) was very impressed. Well done, Year 6!


Year 6 used the place value counters to solve a range of calculations. We had to be very careful with our exchanges.

RE Homework 1st March 2024

This week, we are finding out about the country El Salvador. We have been learning about the work CAFOD do here to support them after years of civil war. Create a fact file about El Salvador. You can use the template provided or create your own.

Here are the links you need to complete the homework task.

Click here for the CAFOD link.

Click here for the Global Dimension link.

Click here for the National Geographic link.

Please find below the Curriculum Overview for Spring term.


As part of our History topic, we visited Cannock Chase World War II museum to find out what life was like in Britain during the Blitz and rationing. We had a great time and learned lots of interesting information, especially about the 'fake foods' that people invented. We even did a practice air raid, which was very exciting!

To celebrate the feast day of St Teresa, Year 6 took inspiration from our school motto by designing flower pots and planting flowers. Now that we have taken them home, the challenge is to nourish and nurture our plant so that it grows and blossoms, just as we do du our time in Year 6. 

'Little flowers growing and giving glory to God.'


Building the Kingdom Overnight Experience

Dignity of the Human Person

As part of our topic, learning about the dignity that each and every living thing deserves, Year 6 tried to imagine what life is like for those who are homeless. We stayed overnight at school and thought how these people are often treated by our communities and how it must feel to be in their shoes. 

In our lessons, we thought about ways that we can help those in need and how even something as small as a smile or a kind word can have a huge impact on those who often live 'unseen' by others.

Please find below the Curriculum Overview for the Autumn term.

Butlers Road, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham, B20 2NY

0121 554 9581