St Teresa's Catholic Primary School


The New National Curriculum for Music can be found here

Following the implementation of the New National Curriculum, the music curriculum at St Teresa's has become more flexible. Many teachers are still using the Music Express scheme, which covers all aspects of the required objectives although some teachers have opted for a more thematic approach. For example, children in Year 6 look at aspects of Victorian Music and children in Year 5 use Greek Myths as a stimulus for composition work.
Pupils at St Teresa's School continue to enjoy a wide range of musical experiences and opportunities: class lessons, singing in Hymn Practices, a range of performances and group or individual instrumental lessons to name but a few. The school provides a progressive framework for children to develop their practical skills and a range of resources are used to ensure that the requirements of the National Curriculum (performing, composing, listening and appraising) are met in an enthusiastic environment.  

Year 6 Singing in rounds:

Year 5 Playing and singing in rounds

Peripatetic music lessons are offered for violin and viola  from Y2 to Y6, for cello in Years 3 to 6 and drumming in Years 5 and 6.   All pupils in Year 4 receive flute and fife lessons and will be given the opportunity to elect to continue in Years 5 and 6.   Upper KS2 pupils are invited to join the school choir children who play instruments in the upper juniors are encouraged to join the school band.
Instrumentalists are invited to perform and talk to the children and trips to see musical performances add a further dimension to children’s musical experience.


Yamaha Music Schools- Assembly Presentation

On 8th September 2015 we were visited by some of the drumming teachers from Yamaha Music Schools. They certainly rocked the school hall!


The annual school Music Evening is always a great success, and in 2014 this was a sell out!  CHeck out performances from our 2015 Music Evening here!

Flute Assembly Dec 2015
Flute Assembly Dec 2015

Cello Lessons with Mr Nolan

Choir 2015
The band and choir went to the Primary Proms at the Symphony Hall
The band and choir went to the Primary Proms at the Symphony Hall

Play a virtual keyboard here

Play a game about the instruments of the orchestra here

Find out more about the flute here

Butlers Road, Handsworth Wood, Birmingham, B20 2NY

0121 554 9581